[CentOS-devel] CentOS Plus: Valuable or wasted resource?

Fri Sep 11 14:25:06 UTC 2009
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 09/11/2009 02:43 PM, Ross Walker wrote:
> Ok, so is ELrepo the "officially supported" third party repo for
> CentOS, like epel is for RHEL?

the closest thing to an official extras repo outside .centos.org is 
rpmrepo.org - aside from that is the extras repo actually hosted at 

I've just read this entire thread and I totally fail to see what your 
point is. The CentOSPlus repo makes it possible to do somethings in a 
more distro friendly way and allows people to opt in should they so 
desire, if thats something you dont want to do - feel free to stay ( as 
is default ) opted out.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522219 at icq