[CentOS-devel] Fasttrack for C-5

Wed Jan 20 21:30:55 UTC 2010
Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>

On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Karanbir Singh wrote:

> On 01/20/2010 01:58 PM, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> Is there an ETA for this repository yet?
> .. soon
>> A status update would be appreciated, please.
> I'm working on getting the layout for updateinfo.xml - help along those
> lines would be good.
> Bonus points for coming up with python code that is callable as a module
> which can generate that. Have not looked at it yet, but next in queue is
> update_md.py included in yum. That might be all thats needed, but if
> someone wants to look see - please do so and confirm.

there is python code in yum which does generate it - but only out of 
already existent update info objects.

but the basic structure is there.

or you can look in the bodhi code and grab code from there, too.
