Why there are still xfsprogs-2.9.4 in centos 5? Redhat has already updated it to 2.10.2 for at least half a year. (https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/rhel-xfs-errata.html) Regards, Kirby Zhou from SOHU-RD +86-10-6272-8261
Tue Jun 29 06:55:10 UTC 2010
Kirby Zhou <kirbyzhou at sohu-rd.com>
Why there are still xfsprogs-2.9.4 in centos 5? Redhat has already updated it to 2.10.2 for at least half a year. (https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/rhel-xfs-errata.html) Regards, Kirby Zhou from SOHU-RD +86-10-6272-8261