hi, EL6 now includes abrt ( https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/ ), which is setup to talk with bugzilla.r.c and comes with a plugin that allows details passed to rhsupport. We dont really want either of those two things to happen. So we can either : - Remove abrt completely ( might not be the best overall solution, but it would surely be the fastest short term target ) - Leave abrt in the distro, but disable chatter abilities with anything *.r.c; and *.fedoraproject.org ( that leaves functionality partially intact, but local implementations would need to adopt and go with whatever they want / need; this solution might not be as nice as the last option) - Last option: get a plugin together that can do what's needed to file at bugs.c.o ( we might need a few more people to get involved with triage and handling of issues via that route! ) Who wants to take on the task of handling abrt, getting the work done and driving this issue into CentOS-6 ? Being able to code in python might not be optional.. - KB