[CentOS-devel] glibc x86_64 vs. i686 file conflict when building from sources

Fri Nov 26 11:55:46 UTC 2010
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 11/26/2010 01:04 AM, Jerry Amundson wrote:
>> that does not make it right or welcome. I made a polite request
> In my opinion, it's both right and welcome.

Thats fine, refer back to the conversation on the centos list about 
having an overflow / things that might or might not be related etc list. 
If you want to express opinion on what and how something like that might 
run, post comments there.

This list, is still the centos-devel list, its about development and 
admin issues within the centos project. So lets try and think about that 
and keep it to that.

- KB