[CentOS-devel] Why not a fusion between CentOS and SL?

Sun Apr 10 11:25:25 UTC 2011
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/23/2011 07:07 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 03/23/2011 09:13 AM, carlopmart wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>    Please, first of all, I don't want to start a flame about this
>> subject. I only wnat to know CentOS's developers point of view about
>> this particular.
> we looked at this in the past and :
> - SL and CentOS have different goals, and neither of us are keen on 
> adapting the other's
> - its good to have two projects, its keep user options open
> thats about it.
> - KB

I would also like to make sure that no one on this list thinks that we
have anything but the utmost respect for the Scientific Linux project.
The devels over there are very nice and we have worked with them in the
past and I am sure will continue to do so in the future.

Connie and Troy are very knowledgeable and they produce a quality
product.  If I was not using CentOS, I would certainly be using
Scientific Linux.

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