[CentOS-devel] Cent OS 5.5 Clustering and Support

Mon Apr 4 12:50:42 UTC 2011
jean-seb <jsh at interlug.net>


Le 04/04/2011 16:46, Baird, Josh a écrit :
> What a typical response (on this mailing list).  The arrogant and
> pompous undertones of your email are ridiculous.  Heaven forbid a vendor
> actually try to work with the project to achieve support and
> compatibility standards. 
> Josh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: centos-devel-bounces at centos.org
> [mailto:centos-devel-bounces at centos.org] On Behalf Of Charlie Brady
> Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:31 PM
> To: Kumar, Ranjan
> Cc: CentOS-devel at centos.org
> Subject: Re: [CentOS-devel] Cent OS 5.5 Clustering and Support
> On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, Kumar, Ranjan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are a Channel product team within LSI and we are trying to add Cent
>> OS 5.5 to our compatibility Matrix. We found out that LSI currently
> has 
>> a relationship with CentOS for another project on the Internal Storage
>> division but not with the OS Certification team. We require some 
>> information on CentOS which will help us plan the deliverables. And 
>> considering the timelines we need to deliver at it will be great if 
>> someone from CentOS can help us out in this regard. If anybody else
> also 
>> can answer these in the mailing list, we would be grateful. The 
>> questions that we have are as follows:-
>> 1)      Cluster Support :
>> *         Does CentOS 5.5 provides native cluster support ?
> It's obvious that your research hasn't told you anything about what
> CentOS 
> is. Via google, and via the website http://www.centos.org/, you can
> learn 
> that CentOS 5.5 is technically the same as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5.
> It is the same source code, but compiled by different people, except
> where 
> branding changes are required, where the source code will be changed to 
> change branding information only.
> CentOS 5.5 has the same native cluster support as Red Hat Enterprise
> Linux 
> 5.5 does.
>> *         Is there any cluster suite available for CentOS 5.5 ?
> Yes, the Red Hat Cluster Suite is included with CentOS 5.5.
>> *         Can we use the cluster suite in CentOS 4 for 5.5.
> No.
>> 2)      Does CentOS have any self Certification tool which allows 
>>    OEMs/Vendors to qualify the OS and post it in their compatibility 
>>    matrix?
> Not as far as I know, but you should do your own research on this,
> rather 
> than ask us to do it for you.
>> One we start our qualification, we might need some help in resolving 
>> issues/defects on CentOS. Can we open a channel or Point of contact
> who 
>> will be able to help us out with such issues.
> CentOS support and engineering channels are described on the CentOS 
> website. But in general CentOS does does not make any technical change
> in 
> the kernel or clustering software - it is bug for bug compatible with
> the 
> software produced by Red Hat.
>> I would also request to forward this email to the right forum if the 
>> mailing list we are sending to is not the appropriate one.
> No mailing list will do this for you. You need to do your own homework.
>> Thanks and Regards.
>> Kumar Ranjan
>> LSI Technologies.
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