[CentOS-devel] Centos server installation

Tue Aug 2 16:45:28 UTC 2011
夜神 岩男 <supergiantpotato at yahoo.co.jp>

On 08/03/2011 01:32 AM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> On 08/02/2011 05:01 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
>>>> Anyway, wouldn't this break "binary compatibility with upstream"?
>>> Agreed - it is something that upstream should provide too.  Or at least
>>> a yum group or list of packages in a form that yum would understand to
>>> install them later.
>> So the interesting thing about that is - that no, it wont break upstream
>> compatibility; since the groups that are put in are done by us -
>> remember that upstream has varients that we dont, and their process and
>> policy around those varients depends on various non technical factors (
>> eg. how much money you paid for the subscription that in turn got you
>> the install media ).
> Is it possible to create yum groups that overlap with other groups? So
> we/they/whoever could add several selected groups. This means that one
> package could be in several groups.

I think that happens pretty regularly and should be as harmless as

