[CentOS-devel] progress?

Thomas Bendler ml at bendler-net.de
Tue Feb 22 20:26:34 UTC 2011

2011/2/22 Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>:
> [...]
> Well Thomas ... when you have a thousand server infrastructure to serve
> 6-8 million unique computers with every update then you would rival the
> CentOS project.
> 10-15 people on a mailing list continually whining is one thing ... 8
> million machines served is the real thing.

Scaling is something that is part of the architecture of a project,
technical and functional. Having a major slow down in getting things
up an running (4.9, 5.6 and 6) means there is a fundamental lack of a
scalable architecture (and yes, I know about what I'm talking about,
companies I'm working for are providing services for million of
peoples without the help of mirrors). It is completely unbelievable
that the CentOS team still think that is no real problem that releases
take so much time simply because three releases start at the same
time. This is something that could happen every time in the future
again. So it's time to think about the architecture of the project and
how to spread the load to more people to have three completely
independent release teams and release cycles in the range of four
weeks after RHEL GA versions.

And to make my point clear, I don't believe it is rocket science to
get such a release cycle established if _more_ skilled people are
involved in the release creation (beyond translation work).

Kind regards, Thomas

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