[CentOS-devel] A new look for CentOS (was Re: Italian Translation Team)

Tue Feb 1 12:40:48 UTC 2011
William Warren <hescominsoon at emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com>

On 1/28/2011 5:13 AM, Athmane Madjoudj wrote:
> On 01/28/2011 10:43 AM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Andrea Veri<av at gnome.org>   wrote:
>>> The point now is: which kind of software should the main website use if
>>> the decision would be to give it a new look. Well, IMHO the best solution
>>> at the moment would be to use drupal, it's easy to use and it has anything
>>> needed to make a website rocking. (I've also been using it for a while and I
>>> can tell drupal is a great CMS software)
>> Not wanting to chase you away, this is probably best discussed on
>> centos-devel. There have been discussions and also a test machine for
>> getting the forums out of the main website (php-bb seemed the way to
>> go for that at the moment), because that has to be done before website
>> redesign.
>> There hasn't been a real discussion or decision on which software the
>> main website should run on. Preferrably something which can be
>> "updated" easily, even more preferrably if it can be done so via
>> package management.
> I think that Drupal is a good idea, it can be updated with yum  as it is
> included in EPEL 5 and 6 [1][2] (we can setup a CentOS specific repo
> with the additional modules), also Drupal include a very usable forum
> (maybe a little basic).
> The real problem is the migration of the current CentOS website and
> forum (I think is XOOPS based) to Drupal, here is some tips [3]
> Regards.
> [1] http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/SRPMS/repoview/drupal6.html
> [2] http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/6/SRPMS/repoview/drupal6.html
> [3] http://drupal.org/node/63796
actually drupal can keep itself much more updated with it's internal 
scripts than a third party repo is going to do.