[CentOS-devel] progress?

Thu Feb 17 02:43:46 UTC 2011
Guenther Boelter <gboelter at gmail.com>

On 02/17/2011 06:03 AM, Dag Wieers wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2011, Matthew Miller wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 08:37:25PM +0100, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
>>> You can read this interview with Karanbir Singh:
>>> http://www.oneopensource.it/03/02/2011/centos-6-interview-with-karanbir-singh/
>>> - There is about 2-3 weeks more before 6 is released.
>> Since that interview was about two weeks ago, I don't think it's
>> unreasonable to have a brief status update at this point.
> One is not expected to criticize on this list. All is well. Don't ask any 
> uncomfortable questions please ! It's normal for a RHEL rebuild to be 
> months behind the original. It has never been different for years. Either 
> shut up or pay for the real thing. The developers are doing the best they 
> can. Again all is well. Don't believe the non-believers.

Are you sure, this answer was ok?

I can't see any criticism, not in Mathews comment and not in the
original question. And even if, a fair comment should be ok, or?

And if you really think, the question is uncomfortable, don't answer.
But don't tell people, it's not allowed to ask questions ...