[CentOS-devel] progress?

Fri Feb 18 16:32:13 UTC 2011
Ljubomir Ljubojevic <office at plnet.rs>

js wrote:
>> If you don't like it .. don't use it.
> Hello,
> Hello,
> You don't understand, I think, the meaning of my email:
> When someone said "Ok, buy a RH license" to end a discussion and don't 
> talk about problems
> is just not a good approch.

What problems? CentOS is/will be only 3-4 weeks behind Oracle 
Unbreakable Linux, and 0-2 weeks behind Scientific Linux, in both cases 
with PAID developers. So about WHAT problems are you talking about?

> My mail is not (to be clear) against Centos, but against those who use 
> the "do it yourself" just to shutdown all
> argument  :)

We understand it EXTREMELY well. First of all, just to be clear, I have 
not contributed to the CentOS project in any measurable way. I did 
create public repo for CentOS desktop apps and I did create/recompiled 
  40-50 packages for CentOS in last few years, but no one ever contacted 
me about it, and MAYBE 2-3 developers ever browsed it.

Having that in mind, I claim that if you do not like how this (or any 
other open source project) is managed, it's speed of releases or any 
other aspect, you have 3 options:
1. Contribute your time and knowledge to that project.
2. Create a fork of the project and contribute your time and knowledge 
to that project.
3. After negative response to initial question(s) about things becoming 
better use it but do not complain any more.

You can hold someone responsible for not making your life better only in 
the degree of how much you (or someone else in your name) paid him. If 
he is not paid for it, you have NO MORAL RIGHT to complaint to him 
(after initial complaint).
