On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 16:15, Larry Vaden <vaden at texoma.net> wrote: > This question keys off IIRC Johnny's remarks earlier in the day about > how much work it is to build a release. > > This question is addressed to those build gurus on this list who have > forgotten more about the build process than this poster will ever know > and further have first hand knowledge|experience with cygwin-setup. ... > At the end of the day, other than RPM package management, what are the > substantial differences that would preclude a cygwin-setup-like build > process from being used to build and maintain the release and would it > be a lot faster and less labor intensive? > 1) Cygwin doesn't install a system. Windows has done all that for you. [Anaconda and its ilk does that and has to played with to make sure it works.] 2) Cygwin's package control is much simpler than RPM from my long ago talking with cygwin developers. Again because a lot of stuff is provided by either Windows or not needed. 3) As far as I know Cygwin doesn't build locally. Stuff is built 'somewhere else' and then cygwin-setup downloads the archives, unpacks them, and installs it into \cygwin. -- Stephen J Smoogen. "The core skill of innovators is error recovery, not failure avoidance." Randy Nelson, President of Pixar University. "Let us be kind, one to another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle." -- Ian MacLaren