[CentOS-devel] progress?

Sun Feb 20 20:11:13 UTC 2011
Jeff Johnson <n3npq at mac.com>

On Feb 20, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Larry Vaden wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:
>> And we do this ... submit missing build requirements as bugs.
> Hypothetical:
> 1) mission critical use of RHEL in a "life or death" environment,
> let's say it is an ICU application in a hospital

hospitals pay huge premiums to avoid risk. And RHEL (like
all software) carries all sorts of disclaimers in the fine print.

> 2) miscreant exploits vulnerability in RHEL, rendering it useless, as
> well as the 3 other machines performing the same function

miscreants aren't usually seeking, say, virtual kidneys when
its so much easier to steal credit car numbers.

> 3) experienced sysadmin diagnoses issue to the rpm level

Whoa: leave rpm out of this risk analysis please. Its not
rpm, but rather yum, that routinely disables signature checking.

> 4) e.s. loads build environment and the vulnerable SRPM and build
> environment fails to produce good RPM

You're building SRPM's in an ICU now? Try AWS EC2 instead, far cheaper,
and scales better.

> 5) e.s., being a RH rate-payer, is unaware that CentOS Team and
> Community has solved the issue with a kludge to the build environment

People die daily, hospitals can't save everyone, and there's always CentOS42
where this tedious thread will surely still be going on.

73 de jeff

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