[CentOS-devel] progress?

Sun Feb 20 20:19:02 UTC 2011
Jeff Johnson <n3npq at mac.com>

On Feb 20, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> Why do you try to hold CentOS to a different standard?

The "standard" is vendor-sec, where the exploits are known
long before they are publically announced, and coordinated
releases, with consistent patches across all vendors, are

The "standard" is _NOT_ the time delta between upstream and CentOS
releasing. And with better info sooner, I suspect that security
releasing would improve. All depends on volunteer efforts,
security drills ain't fun.

CentOS may have lost 1 of its vendor-sec representatioves, but
its a role that can be re-filled.

73 de Jeff

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