[CentOS-devel] progress?

Wed Feb 23 01:23:24 UTC 2011
Jeff Johnson <n3npq at mac.com>

On Feb 22, 2011, at 8:15 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> It is the whole purpose of the CentOS Project.

It *IS* a bit daft not to be be permitted to modify dependencies.

Not changing sources (or risking behavioral changes with fepping creaturism)
is a different matter.

> The bottom line is, people can figure out how to recompile the packages
> just like we did ... but we don't change the sources.  This is not going
> to change.  If you want the sources changed, figure out what needs to be
> changed and ping on the upstream people as required to change their
> source files.
> They are the ones who can:
> 1.  Make the distro self hosting
> 2.  Get rid of hidden build requirements

Fixing "hidden" (or more likely missing) dependencies without being able to
just add what is needed is a bit arduous I'm sure.

73 de jeff

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