[CentOS-devel] Motion to moderate this mailing list.

Wed Feb 23 04:49:03 UTC 2011
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 02/23/2011 06:23 AM, Antaryami Khuda wrote:
> To all,
> I would like to file a motion to get admins of this list to set the 
> list to moderated until the centos prjoect releases something tangible 
> to appease the trolls.
> What do you say karambir?  Put ralph in change of post moderation?  
> Jonnhy is obviously busy making packages.  Have you others to help?  
> I'm not aware.
Or simpler, ban the idiot. I volunteer to ban any and all other mail 
addresses he might subscribe with. As moderator of a few MLs with more 
usual traffic than this list gets, I bet I have more patience to  
perform the unsubscribing than anyone might have to subscribe with 
different addresses.