[CentOS-devel] How to help out for Centos 6
fp at kraptastic.com
Thu Jan 6 08:05:47 UTC 2011
Hello Centos-devel.
As an outsider looking in, I have found that it is .. Not simple to find
out what needs doing. I _think_ I am on the right track, but would like
to be corrected if not. Here is what I have come up with from reading
forums/mailing lists/irc. I hope someone can throw the below on the wiki
somewhere appropriate once corrected. If I am way off, please let me
know I would like to get started.
How to help with Centos 6:
Currently Centos 6 needs help re-branding RHEL6 as Centos 6. This is
relatively easy to do if you know how to build RPMS, and make patch files.
Step 1: Go here: http://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/6/AuditStatus
This is a list of what issues still need to be fixed.
Step 2: Pick something that looks fun (and perhaps easy), and click the
bug id ('bid' column)
This will take you to the mantis bug tracker page.
Step 3: *Optional* If you are pretty sure you can fix this problem and
don't want someone else re-inventing the wheel with you, Signup for a
new account with bugs.centos.org , and let people know you are going to
work on this. Don't worry about doing this if you are not sure you can
do it. If you want to just try, skip this step.
Step 4: Find the package name
The "Category" of the bug you picked should have a package name in it,
this is the package we are going to need to download and fix. If my
example category was:
'[CentOS-6] xulrunner' then I would be patching the xulrunner package.
Step 5: Download the package
Step 6: Fix the package
The issues should already be laid out for you in the description of the
mantis bug tracker. Modify the files, and rebuild the RPM. Once you
think you have fixed everything, create a patch file. Test your patch
file on a fresh install.
Need icons / images? Find them on a centos 5.x box.
Do you have to do this from a RHEL6 beta installation? No you don't
_have_ to. We are after the patch, not your RPMS.
Step 7: If you haven't created an account at bugs.centos.org, now is the
time. Create an account and attach your patch file.
Step 8: Give the nearest person a high-five and then go to Step 1.
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