[CentOS-devel] thanks for the offers to help test the installer

Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 01:41:36 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:
> hi guys and girls,
> thanks for the many many offers to test the installer and installable
> tree's on the machines you already have and in roles that you would
> expect to use the distro in.
> However, rather than manual installs - we all gain by being able to
> automate these runs using kickstarts; so consider writing kickstarts for
> your tests. There are some examples here :
> https://nazar.karan.org/cgit/bluecain/tree/ ; clone the git repo with
> "git clone git://nazar.karan.org/testing/bluecain"
> Here is what needs doing :
> - Write a kickstart file that would either install an existing system[1]
> - Write a bash shell script that can be run on the machine, which would
> do some tests and exit with '0' if all goes well.
> - Please name the kickstart file in a way that it ends in .cfg
> - Please name the test script exactly the same as the kickstart file but
> ending in .sh

If I may suggest? Please put in the following '%post -nochroot' script.

    %post -nochroot
    /bin/cp /tmp/ks.cfg /mnt/sysimage/root/ks.cfg

On RHEL 6, you should end that with a '%end' statement.

This preserves your downloaded ks.cfg in your built system's /root/
directory, for reference and comparison to the derived
anaconda-ks.cfg. This is particularly important if you're like me and
use multiple '%post' sections for distinct post-install operations.

> Here is what happens:
> - When the distro tree is in place the kickstart would be used to run
> through an install.
> - Once the install is done, the machine or vm will reboot
> - post reboot, an ssh connection is made to the installed machine or vm,
> with the test script being ssh'd over.
> - test script is run, and hopefully exits with 0
> Feel free to contribute against centos4 or 5 or 6 (or common ones ) for
> bare metal installs and Xen installs - we dont have kvm capability in
> there as yet ( but we should in the next few weeks ).
> And don't forget to add your name to the Authors file. git submit via
> git-email to this list would work.
> Thanks,
> - KB
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