[CentOS-devel] wallpapers

Mon Jan 3 13:13:01 UTC 2011
Kenneth Armstrong <digimars at gmail.com>

Thanks all, I knew that I could copy them over myself, I just didn't
know if CentOS would be importing them as part of the build so as to
save me that step.

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Douglas McClendon
<dmc.centos at filteredperception.org> wrote:
> On 01/02/2011 03:38 PM, Cia Watson wrote:
>> On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 14:39:57 -0500
>> Kenneth Armstrong<digimars at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Will CentOS 6 also have the same wallpaper packages that came with
>>> RHEL 6?  The reason that I ask is that I love the new wallpapers in
>>> RHEL 6, but I'm not sure if they are copyrighted or anything to the
>>> point that CentOS can't import them in the build.
>>> Thanks, and keep up the good work.  I use CentOS alongside RHEL at
>>> work, and it is a fantastic project.
>>> -Kenny
>> Hi Kenny,
>> I don't know if the wallpaper packages from RHEL 6 will carry over to
>> CentOS 6 or not, however if they don't you could always copy them
>> from /usr/share/backgrounds on a RHEL 6 install. I suspect the default
>> ones outside of the separate folders (i.e. nature, cosmos, etc.) may be
>> copyrighted images but I just looked at the ones from the beta and
>> don't see a specific copyright mark so it's hard to say.
> The one very specific example I'm aware of is the Luis Argerich one of
> beach/storm/lighting which I've chosen to use initially as the default
> for my SL6alpha derived LiveDVD/USB distro.  On it, there is a specific
> permissive creative commons license marked on the background itself.
> I'm actually unsure if it allows removing that mark (for aesthetics) and
> placing it in an accompanying license text file, but I did take the
> liberty of moving it somewhere where it isn't covered up by my gnome-panel.
> In general I'm guessing that RH is pretty good about segregating the
> stuff that isn't redistributable.  I.e. I've watched the evolution
> across recent fedora releases that was more or less designed to make
> brandstripping redistributor's lives easier.  Not as easy yet as 'rpm -e
> --nodeps redhat* ; yum -y install generic-*', but getting closer.
> -dmc
> http://cloudsession.com/dawg
>  I think the
>> ones in the folders are pretty standard gnome wallpaper images.
>> If you're just going to use it as a personal desktop wallpaper on
>> CentOS I would think that'd be o.k.; but IANAL. I suspect someone more
>> familiar with what will be included in CentOS 6 will be able to say for
>> sure.
>> Cia W
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