[CentOS-devel] rhel-6 rebuild summary

Tue Jan 4 07:10:07 UTC 2011
Hubert Bahr <hab at hbahr.org>

Farkas Levente wrote:
> On 01/03/2011 08:33 AM, Hubert Bahr wrote:
> Thank you for the Spec file.  I was a lot closer than I thought I 
> was.  It solved my problem.  I believe I have now built all of Red 
> Hat's source rpms.  I will now attempt to scrip everything, put 
> to-geather a repository based on these builds and rebuild everything 
> again just to verify I have remembered everything.  In my case I use 
> rpmbuild rebuild for about 99% of the build and mock for the 
> remainder.  This speeds up the process signifantly on my cluster.
Thanks again