[CentOS-devel] Announcements for 6.0/updates

Cia Watson

ciamarie at my180.net
Tue Jul 5 01:14:36 UTC 2011

On Tue, 05 Jul 2011 01:08:12 +0100
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:

> hi guys,
> We are getting ready to put the 6.0/updates into place. The prep work
> brought up a question that needs addressing.
> There are quite a few different tools that seem to scrape the
> centos-announce output in order to get update metadata; therefore
> should we announce every update since the 6.0 release date upstream ?
> we might be looking at around 5 million emails being generated
> outbound...
> if not, what are the other options / ideas ?

Not that I know the particulars on how these things are generated, but
perhaps output to a text file and then 1 email that would point to a
link containing that file? Or an xml file, or whatever format would
suit the occasion. Then even if each one has to be done individually,
the output could be appended >> to a specific location, hopefully?

Or, if even that would generate too many lines for one linked file,
could it be parsed alphabetically or something and split into a few
smaller files, with appropriate links on centos.org or the wiki or

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