[CentOS-devel] ksplice and CentOS

Fri Jul 22 10:16:45 UTC 2011
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 07/22/2011 01:11 PM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> Marian Marinov wrote:
>> I spoke with my colleges about Ksplice and one very interesting question
>> popped up:
>>     What will happen with our fork efforts if Oracle suddenly patent the Ksplice
>> software ?
>> I know that in Europe we don't have the problem with software pattents and the
>> GPL will protect us from any issues like that.
>> However what is the situation in the US and other countries that have software
>> pattents ?
>> Marian
> Any code released as GPL can be forked as long as fork is also GPL. Can
> Oracle even change the license for code published as GPL?

later code can be published using any license. the license for the 
earlier code cannot be changed

> I am really
> interested to hear "official" responce from someone that knows this by
> heart.