[CentOS-devel] Why not a fusion between CentOS and SL?
Dag Wieers
dag at wieers.com
Thu Mar 24 17:01:11 UTC 2011
On Thu, 24 Mar 2011, Jeff Sheltren wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 3/24/2011 10:44 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>>>>> I never quite understood why that wasn't designed in from the start.
>>>> Because the yellowdog updater-modified developers didn't have that lofty of a goal in mind from the start?
>> I think it was the opposite - that they had the lofty goal of having all
>> repositories coordinated even though that is clearly impossible unless
>> you can dictate a jailed iphone-like world.
> There weren't really "external" repositories when yum came out. I
> won't speak for Seth, but in my opinion, the goal of yum was "help end
> RPM dep hell". And thankfully it did (combined with lots of packaging
> improvements in rh/fedora, etc.).
Well, you had plenty, RPMforge, FreshRPMS, ATrpms, NewRPMS, PlanetCCMA,
and many many more. That was before something like Fedora Extras existed.
-- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/
-- dagit linux solutions, info at dagit.net, http://dagit.net/
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
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