[CentOS-devel] Updates from today

Fri Mar 11 11:50:16 UTC 2011
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On Friday, March 11, 2011 03:47:55 am Johnny Hughes wrote:
> What you need to
> do is start your own project called "Enterprise Linux from Sources" and
> your goals need to be to design, maintain, and teach someone exactly how
> to rebuild the upstream sources ... those are not the goals of CentOS.
> It would be a good project, it is just not THIS project.

While I'm quoting Johnny, this reply is for Nico, and the others who want an SCM in place.

There is just exactly this sort of system you seem to want, Nico; it's called koji, and it is the Fedora buildsystem.  SL is also using koji.  See if they will let you see their koji, and the SCM repository behind it, and a listing of the contents of the binary repository pulled in for the buildroots.  If they will (or if they've already documented it), then you've got your information.