I noticed that CentOS usually does not copy the EOL-announcement RHSA or provide the updated package associated with it. This would be CESA-2011:0219 with upstream details at https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2011-0219.html As everbody seemed to be concerned about the communication done for CentOS 3 End of Life I guess it is probably a good idea to: - duplicate the EOL-Notice RHSA as a CESA - rebuild centos-release to contain an EOL-notice - discuss wether or not to add an EOL-notice to /etc/issue Regards, Andreas -- SNIP (/usr/share/doc/centos-release-4/EOL) -- == End Of Life Notice == According to our support-policy the 7-year lifecycle of CentOS 4 will end on February 29, 2012. After this date no security-updates or bugfixes will be released. If you still run production systems on CentOS 4 you're strongly advised to plan an upgrade to CentOS 5 or CentOS 6. -- SNIP -- -- SNIP (/etc/issue) -- CentOS release 4.x (Final) Kernel \r on an \m NOTICE: Support for CentOS 4 ends on Feb 28th, 2012 -- SNIP -- -- Solvention Ltd. & Co. KG Egermannstr. 6-8 53359 Rheinbach Tel: +49 2226 158179-0 Fax: +49 2226 158179-9 http://www.solvention.de mailto:info at solvention.de