[CentOS-devel] FreeType Bytecode Interpreter

Sun Nov 27 18:20:28 UTC 2011
Marcus Moeller <marcus.moeller at gmx.ch>

Hi again.

>> On 11/23/2011 04:16 PM, Phil Schaffner wrote:
>>>>> As the patents for the Bytecode interpreter has been expired [1], I
>>>>> wonder if we could build freetype '--with bytecode_interpreter' set.
>>> How about a RFE for centosplus?
>> Even better, open an issue report - and offer to maintain the package in
>> centosplus !
>> - KB
> Sorry to pup-up so late but I'm very busy these days.
> I already have this freetype package for C6 in my personal repo, actually
> I've been using it for some days now without problems.
> http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el6/SRPMS/freetype-freeworld-2.4.4-6.el6.nux.src.rpm
> (packages also available for i386 and x86_64)
> It's a shameless rebuild from rpmfusion. I guess it could be a good starting
> point.

To enable Bytecode Interpreter, you just have to rebuild the original 
(EL) freetype package with the '--with bytecode_interpreter' option set.
