[CentOS-devel] CentOS 5.7 has no centos-release-cr package

Thu Sep 15 10:18:08 UTC 2011
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 09/15/2011 12:34 PM, Marcus Moeller wrote:
> Am 15.09.2011 03:13, schrieb Ben Galliart:
>> Following the strong recommendation on the CentOS-announce mailing list, we had added the centos-release-cr package to our kickstart for PXE based installs.  Since the release of 5.7, this kickstart fails since the centos-release-cr package can no longer be found.
>> Given that there is a 5.7/cr directory, it appears the plans include having CR being an on-going convention rather than a on-time thing just for 5.7.  If I understand this correctly that CR will be used again once upstream releases 5.8, then I would like to be able to leave centos-release-cr as part of my kickstart so it is already configured for the next batch of CR updates.
>> Is it possible to add centos-release-cr to the 5.7/cr sometime soon?
> The centos-cr repository should only be unsed during transition phase
> from one minor to another. The package will be removed once the next
> minor is release, and re-appear on next transition. (hope I said it
> right, Karan :))
This was the first approach but it was changed. The implemented approach 
is for /cr to remain in place, the repository links from the repo 
definition will point to the new URL automatically. However the 
repository will be populated only during the transition phase of a new 
minor release ( i.e for instance after RHEL 5.8 is out but before CentOS 
5.8 is released ).

> So the cr release package is not meant to be included in kickstart by
> default.
that is true. It is useful only during the transitional phase between 
RHEL's launch of a new dot release and CentOS catching up.