[CentOS-devel] info about CR repo

Fri Aug 17 16:06:03 UTC 2012
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 07/09/2012 10:33 AM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> the CR repo is not something that gets packages available as soon as
> rpm packages pass QA, correct?

thats right.

At the moment, we dont test individual packages against the last release
tree. We only test things as a whole ( i.e. in a way that everything is
in place once its been built ).

In order to do the CR/ work properly, we then need to test each update,
without the other updates and new packages included in the next release.
If we can find a way to automate this testing and get reasonable
coverage around those tests, we can push to CR/ in pretty much real time
as things are built and tested via QA.

Ofcourse, there could be issues introduced down the road as newer
packages that come later, then have issues causing earlier packages to
need a rebuild. People using CR/ would then need to keep that in mind.

On the other hand, we could wait for the tree's to get to a 'final'
stage and then push the difference out - while the next release ISOS are
finalised and tested ( during this phase there is very little churn in
the rpms - except for anaconda and its dep tree, and maybe centos-release ).

You are right, now is a good time to solve these issues and be ready
with a functional setup for when 6.4 comes around.

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
ICQ: 2522219    | Yahoo IM: z00dax      | Gtalk: z00dax
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc