[CentOS-devel] CentOS 6.2 New Kernel Issues

Sun Feb 5 14:39:46 UTC 2012
Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at NASA.gov>

Jonathan Vomacka wrote on 02/04/2012 07:11 PM:
> CentOS 6.2 Community / Developers,
> Are there any known issues with the latest Kernel on CentOS 6.2? I
> performed a yum update and the kernel downloaded. When the system
> rebooted I started having intermittent latency issues when trying to
> perform certain commands on the system such as top or ls -ltr, etc. I
> was having extreme latency getting to root. I am unsure if there is a
> hardware compat issue but I found my server in kernel PANIC mode the
> next day and was unable to login entirely. Has this been reported before?

This question should be directed to the users list - 

This is not a support list.

If you identify a bug please do file a report.
