On Thursday, October 04, 2012 11:57:35 AM R P Herrold wrote: > Go, Lamar, go Oh, pshaw.... As of lunchtime, here's the status (there are 218 source packages in the 5.5->5.6 update): [lowen at winterstar ~]$ buildstatus56 No IA64 target: 3 No Package Found: 0 Scratch total: 4 Built binaries: 118 Built SRPMS: 43 [lowen at winterstar ~]$ (I was expecting those 'No IA64 Target' errors). 20% through, going by just the number of source packages and not by time-to-compile. The kernel, glibc, and gcc have yet to build, and they take a while; as does the current package being built, tomcat5..... The buildstatus56 script is very rudimentary, and rough around the edges...it won't tell me that builds are done, for instance, but I tail the nohup.out from the build for that. Anyway, the script: [lowen at winterstar ~]$ cat /usr/local/bin/buildstatus56 #!/bin/sh SMOCK=/opt/build/public_html/smock/yum pushd $SMOCK >/dev/null echo -n -e "No IA64 target: \t" egrep -r -l "Architecture.is.(not.in|ex)cluded" scratch |cut -d "/" -f 2|wc -l echo -n -e "No Package Found: \t" egrep -r -l "No.Package.found" scratch |cut -d "/" -f 2|wc -l echo -e -n "Scratch total:\t\t" ls scratch|wc -l echo -n -e "Built binaries:\t\t" ls centos-56/ia64/RPMS/*.rpm|wc -l echo -n -e "Built SRPMS:\t\t" ls centos-56/src/SRPMS/*.rpm|wc -l popd >/dev/null [lowen at winterstar ~]$ No magic there, just basic sysadmin know-how from experience with Unix systems since 1987.... :-P The key piece of my build setup is smock.pl. I'll be posting some time this afternoon more details on my setup, inlcuding a rough outline of the process I have thus far used (once I am satisfied that my process looks like it might actually work, that is, since I haven't gotten up to 5.6 yet.....). And it *is* a manual process; there are steps that I have used that would be difficult to automate in any reasonable manner. But that's for another e-mail.....