[CentOS-devel] Shipping an EPEL release

Thu Sep 13 16:48:02 UTC 2012
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

On 13/09/12 16:54, Trevor Hemsley wrote:
> On 13/09/12 16:32, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> hi guys,
>> One bit of feedback at LinuxCon this year from people was that we should
>> ship epel with a lower barrier to entry. And I have mixed feelings about
>> that. But I wanted to know what everyone else thinks about :
>> 1) Shipping epel-release in CentOS-Extras, so its installable, usable
>> out of the box.

For information, Scientific Linux adds various 3rd party repo release 
files to their distro although AFAIK none are installed by default. See 


yum repositories
Summary : Various Yum Repositories
These are not supported by Scientific Linux but are here for your 

This is not installed by default.
-- adobe-release
-- atrpms-repo
-- elrepo-release
-- epel-release
-- rpmforge-release

> I'd also suggest adding ELRepo...

I should declare an interest in that I'm a member of elrepo.

We have worked with SL where needed to ensure the elrepo-release package 
is kept up to date within their repositories and try to maintain 
consistent / stable behaviour and a minimal release schedule consistent 
with an Enterprise Linux distribution.

I personally have no objections / concerns with CentOS including our 
repo release package should you so want, but I feel it inappropriate for 
me to offer further opinion on the matter given my vested interest in 
the subject :-)