[CentOS-devel] a question about rpmbuild command

Wed Dec 4 16:13:00 UTC 2013
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

On 04/12/13 15:51, wk wrote:
> Hi,everyone
> http://www.redhat.com/archives/shrike-list/2003-April/msg00069.html
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/StackTraces
> http://old-en.opensuse.org/Packaging/Debuginfo
> This document said:"passing -g to gcc or g++". And "Note that the default CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS of the distro already contain -g, "
> My question is :
> I build souce code a.c with myself gcc/make configfile.
> first time:      compile a.c with -O2,then get a1.bin
> second time: compile a.c woth -O2 -g,then strip debug symbols.then get a2.bin
> But i find a2.bin is slower then a1.bin.The performance of a2.bin is 5% slower.
> Should a2.bin run as fast as a1.bin?(performance is same?)//Tomorrow i will provide the complete commands.
> Can anyone give some advice?
> I find that:rpmbuild run gcc one time with -g -O2,then get a.rpm and a.debuginforpm.
> thanks.

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ON CentOS.

Wrong list - you need to ask your question on a gcc users list or other 
software development list.
