Hi all, Because i'm interested by functional JBoss EAP6 clone running on CentOS 6 server, I'm trying to rebuild JBoss EAP6 srpms from redhat (found here http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Server/en/JBEAP/SRPMS/). To achieve that, i've setup CentOS 6.3 x86_64 VM + rpmbuild and mock environments. JBoss EAP6 is about 226 srpms packages. Why this email ? Because i want to share my current work on this, ask if someone else is interested to have JBoss EAP6 server clone working on CentOS, and if someone is also interested to help me to get it working. At this time i've already successfully built 209 of 226 srpms packages (description of this work above). Step #0: Mock configs ===================== In all mock configs, there is centos 6, epel6 and jpackage/6.0/generic/free repos enabled Step #1: building packages ========================== Build iteration #1: ------------------- Basic mock config with EPEL6 93 of 226 packages are building fine out of the box Build iteration #2: ------------------- At this step, we can see that a lot of packages have "jpackage-utils" not listed in their build dependencies. I've tried to rebuild previous failed build with: mock -r $MOCK_CFG --install jpackage-utils mock -r $MOCK_CFG --no-clean --rebuild $SRPMS_PATH/$src_rpm_name Result: 97 of 133 remaining packages built successfully Build iteration #3: ------------------- Adding jpackage/6.0/generic/devel repo 14 of the 36 remaining packages are building fine. Build iteration #4: ------------------- >From this step, i tried to build packages one by one to see what goes wrong. Removing jpackage/6.0/generic/devel by default Adding repo with previously built rpms, and search missing deps. packages built : 1) ironjacamar-1.0.13-1.Final_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Needs jpackage/6.0/generic/devel repo - Deps found on fedora koji server: jboss-logging-tools 2) jbossas-bundles-7.1.3-4.Final_redhat_4.ep6.el6.src.rpm 3) jbossas-core-7.1.3-4.Final_redhat_4.ep6.el6.src.rpm 4) velocity-eap6-1.6.3-7.redhat_2.ep6.el6.4.src.rpm - Needs jpackage/6.0/generic/devel repo 4 of 22 remaining packages are building fine. Remaining packages (18): ------------------- 1) antlr-eap6-2.7.7-15_redhat_2.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Needs jpackage/6.0/generic/devel repo - Last error => build error: /bin/mv: target `maven2-brew/antlr/antlr/2.7.7-redhat-2/' is not a directory 2) atinject-1-8.2_redhat_2.ep6.el6.5.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: vman (https://github.com/jdcasey/pom-version-manipulator) 3) codehaus-jackson-1.9.2-6_redhat_2.ep6.el6.5.src.rpm - Deps found on fedora koji server: jsr-311 - Last error => missing deps: vman (https://github.com/jdcasey/pom-version-manipulator) 4) dom4j-1.6.1-14_redhat_3.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: msv-core 5) glassfish-jaxb-2.2.5-10_redhat_3.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Needs jpackage/6.0/generic/devel repo - Last error => missing deps: jboss-component-management 6) glassfish-jsf-2.1.13-1_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: jboss-component-management 7) h2database-1.3.168-2_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: lucene-core >= 3.0.2 8) hibernate4-4.1.6-7.Final_redhat_3.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Deps found on fedora koji server: gradle, jboss-logging-tools - Last error => missing deps: java-classmate 9) hornetq-2.2.23-1.Final_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: jboss-component-management 10) hornetq-native-2.2.21-1.Final.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: hornetq 11) jbossas-modules-eap-7.1.3-4.Final_redhat_4.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: hibernate4-core 12) jboss-ec2-eap-7.1.3-6.Final_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => build error: [ERROR] FATAL ERROR 13) jboss-integration-7.0.0-0.6.Final_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: jboss-component-management 14) jbossts-4.16.6-1.Final_redhat_1.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Deps found on fedora koji server: byteman, emma - Last error => missing deps: hibernate4-core 15) jdom-eap6-1.1.2-4.GA_redhat_2.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Needs jpackage/6.0/generic/devel repo - Last error => build error: /bin/mv: target `maven2-brew/org/jdom/jdom/1.1.2-redhat-2/' is not a directory 16) jython-eap6-2.5.2-5.redhat_2.ep6.el6.4.src.rpm - Deps found on fedora koji server: jnr-constants, jaffl, jnr-netdb, jnr-posix - Last error => missing deps: jboss-parent >= 8 17) woodstox-core-4.1.1-1.redhat_2.ep6.el6.4.src.rpm - Last error => missing deps: msv-core 18) xerces-j2-eap6-2.9.1-13_redhat_3.ep6.el6.src.rpm - Last error => build error: /bin/mv: target `maven2-brew/xerces/xercesImpl/2.9.1-redhat-3/' is not a directory Step #2: [TODO] Installing and testing ====================================== Install packages and try to run JBoss server Step #3: [TODO] Removing logos and trademarks ============================================= ... Have a nice day. Regards. Baptiste.