[CentOS-devel] Storage SIG Meeting 12-Dec-2014 15:30 UTC

Humble Devassy Chirammal humble.devassy at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 05:19:19 UTC 2014


GlusterFS action item is missed  because of string '#actiion' instead of
'#action' .



On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 12:58 AM, Lalatendu Mohanty <lmohanty at redhat.com>
>  <Snip>
> FYI,
> Meeting started by lalatenduM at 15:30:54 UTC (full logs
> <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html>
> ).
> Meeting summary
>    1. *Agenda* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-31>,
>    15:33:59)
>       1. Topic: Status Updates (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-32>,
>       15:34:09)
>       2. Subtopic: GlusterFS (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-33>,
>       15:34:09)
>       3. Subtopic: OpenAFS (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-34>,
>       15:34:09)
>       4. Subtopic: Ceph (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-35>,
>       15:34:09)
>       5. Subtopic: SCST in Storage SIG? (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-36>,
>       15:34:09)
>       6. Open Floor (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-37>,
>       15:34:10)
>     2. *status* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-38>,
>    15:34:35)
>     3. *glusterfs status* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-39>,
>    15:34:56)
>     4. *OpenAFS status* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-78>,
>    15:42:03)
>       1. https://github.com/adeason/openafs-centos (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-93>,
>       15:44:50)
>       2. *ACTION*: billings to build OpenAFS using koji (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-120>,
>       15:51:50)
>       3. OpenAFS needs some infrastructure/automation to automatically
>       build a new srpm every time a new kernel comes out (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-175>,
>       16:04:46)
>       4. *ACTION*: billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on
>       some infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time
>       a new kernel comes out (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-187>,
>       16:06:32)
>     5.  (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-194>,
>    16:07:10)
>       1. *ACTION*: lalatenduM will help deason to get standard policy or
>       guidance on packaging selinux rules (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-214>,
>       16:11:35)
>     6. *Ceph status update* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-220>,
>    16:13:11)
>       1. Ceph community is working on packaged builds for download.ceph
>       using centos 7 (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-262>,
>       16:20:24)
>       2. *ACTION*: lalatenduM will help scuttlemonkey on 101 for building
>       Ceph on cbs (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-265>,
>       16:21:17)
>     7. *SCST* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-271>,
>    16:22:16)
>       1. Most SCST functionality is available without rebuilding the
>       kernel i.e. except pass-through functionality (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-295>,
>       16:31:02)
>       2. *ACTION*: kbsingh will start a discussion on "the build system
>       should build the kmod packages from a spec file rather than having the
>       makefile specificall build the rpm" as openafs and scst will need the
>       functionality (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-305>,
>       16:34:47)
>       3. *ACTION*: vlnb to sync with lalatenduM to get access of buildsys
>       (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-339>,
>       16:43:25)
>       4. To get the FCoE target driver to work reliably several libfc
>       patches will have to be backported from kernel 3.13. (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-357>,
>       16:49:25)
>       5. SCST to start from QLogic FC, iSCSI and SRT without pass-through
>       dev handlers, so we don't need to patch kernel, then work on others feature
>       by feature (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-370>,
>       16:52:41)
>     8. *open floor* (lalatenduM
>    <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-382>,
>    16:54:52)
>       1. http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CommunityBuildSystem (lalatenduM
>       <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html#l-395>,
>       16:58:34)
>  Meeting ended at 17:03:00 UTC (full logs
> <http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html>
> ).
> Action items
>    1. billings to build OpenAFS using koji
>    2. billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on some
>    infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time a
>    new kernel comes out
>    3. lalatenduM will help deason to get standard policy or guidance on
>    packaging selinux rules
>    4. lalatenduM will help scuttlemonkey on 101 for building Ceph on cbs
>    5. kbsingh will start a discussion on "the build system should build
>    the kmod packages from a spec file rather than having the makefile
>    specificall build the rpm" as openafs and scst will need the functionality
>    6. vlnb to sync with lalatenduM to get access of buildsys
> Action items, by person
>    1. alphacc
>       1. billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on some
>       infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time a
>       new kernel comes out
>     2. billings
>       1. billings to build OpenAFS using koji
>       2. billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on some
>       infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time a
>       new kernel comes out
>     3. deason
>       1. billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on some
>       infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time a
>       new kernel comes out
>       2. lalatenduM will help deason to get standard policy or guidance
>       on packaging selinux rules
>     4. kbsingh
>       1. billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on some
>       infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time a
>       new kernel comes out
>       2. kbsingh will start a discussion on "the build system should
>       build the kmod packages from a spec file rather than having the makefile
>       specificall build the rpm" as openafs and scst will need the functionality
>     5. lalatenduM
>       1. lalatenduM will help deason to get standard policy or guidance
>       on packaging selinux rules
>       2. lalatenduM will help scuttlemonkey on 101 for building Ceph on
>       cbs
>       3. vlnb to sync with lalatenduM to get access of buildsys
>     6. scuttlemonkey
>       1. lalatenduM will help scuttlemonkey on 101 for building Ceph on
>       cbs
>     7. vlnb
>       1. vlnb to sync with lalatenduM to get access of buildsys
> People present (lines said)
>    1. lalatenduM (156)
>    2. billings (52)
>    3. kbsingh (47)
>    4. deason (40)
>    5. scuttlemonkey (33)
>    6. bart|2 (24)
>    7. Humble (17)
>    8. vlnb (14)
>    9. alphacc (8)
>    10. centbot (7)
>    11. gaurdro (6)
>    12. gwd (2)
>    13. Evolution (2)
>    14. lsm5 (2)
>    15. hchiramm_ (1)
>    16. hchiramm (0)
> *The meeting log files are at :*
> Minutes:
> http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.html
> Minutes (text):
> http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.txt
> Log:
> http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.html
> Log(Text):
> http://www.centos.org/minutes/2014/december/centos-devel.2014-12-12-15.30.log.txt
> Thanks,
> Lala
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