[CentOS-devel] Shipping Build Tools in one of the CentOS Repos

Mon Dec 1 17:36:09 UTC 2014
Brian Stinson <bstinson at ksu.edu>

Hi All,

I would like to start a discussion on where/how to ship the package
building toolchain. Most of these tools shipped in EPEL, but deploying
them to one of our repos would allow us to maintain our own patches if
necessary and would eliminate any dependencies on 3rd party repositories
for our core tools. 

I propose that the following packages be released into CentOS-Extras
when they are ready:

Package             Primary Contact/Maintainer
=======             ==========================
centpkg             bstinson
GitPython           bstinson
koji                alphacc
python-async        bstinson
python-gitdb        bstinson
python-smmap        bstinson
rpkg                bstinson

To support this, I also propose that the appropriate 'extras' build
targets be created (or that we designate existing tags) in the CBS.

Things we should discuss:

1.) Some of the tools (koji especially) will require config
    customization, what is the best way to handle that?

2.) What should the testing -> release process look like after a koji
    build is done?


Brian Stinson
bstinson at ksu.edu | IRC: bstinson | Bitbucket/Twitter: bstinsonmhk