[CentOS-devel] Centos 7 and powerpc

Sun Feb 2 23:02:58 UTC 2014
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Hi Bryson,

On 02/02/2014 09:47 PM, Bryson Lee wrote:
> Would it be possible to get some insight into the prospects for PowerPC
> support in Centos 7? 

Its going to happen, the test-builds I've run were done for both x86_64
and powerpc ( but ppc64 only ). the ppc userland only multilib has a bit
of a challenge attached to it since the rhel7b1 tree does not deliver
enough ppc content to build against ( we can likely try and get
something setup from f19's areas, but I've not had the time to look as
yet ).

> We also have a vested interest in the ppc64 / ppc32 question, since our
> app is somewhat bound into the 32-bit arch and the 64-bit kernel /
> 32-bit userland structure we inherit from F12.

does the ppc userland in rhel7b1 cover the scope ? or are you saying you
need ( and are therefore offering to help build ) a larger ppc cover ?

> We have a small number of PS710’s in-house, and will probably get at
> least one of whatever winds up  being the equivalent Power8 machine as
> soon as it becomes available.  I’m not in a position to be able to
> expose a build node to the outside world, but I can certainly build
> /install / test internally and do some troubleshooting.

In the next couple of days, I am going to organise enough content around
the CentOS-7 build process that we can get a larger bootstrap in place;
a basic dump of the content is available now at git.centos.org ( with a
mirror on github.com ) that should allow anyone to get started. there
are some assumptions made, re; where the content is and how it moves around.

Happy to accept any and all help you are able to offer ( its going to
mostly be a case of finding some time to parse build fails and offer
fix's ). Tim Verhoeven has offered to also get involved and maybe even
take the reins of the power build process.

A gentle reminder that the primary blocker at this point that keeps the
content from being published from the test builds is : we dont have
artwork to replace RHEL content with, and the broader TM hunt hasent

If someone is able to put in a bit of time to help organise and then
maybe run this branding hunt in the rhel7b1 content, that would rock and
I will help get started and stay involved to help ( but I lack the
bandwidth at this point to run this effort myself ).

- KB

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc