[CentOS-devel] CentOS Interoperability SIG

Karsten Wade

kwade at redhat.com
Wed Jan 29 18:33:49 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 01/29/2014 07:39 AM, Clint Savage wrote:
> The value of a separate rebuild is not about duplicating effort.
> It's more about using and improving the tools in a separate
> environment. I have found that as a tool grows, it needs multiple
> contributors from different environments to become full featured,
> more secure, etc. Having separate communities contributing to
> CentOS in the form of a SIG seems like one way to homogenize the
> effort, removing some of these opportunities for improving tooling
> and the distribution itself.

While I definitely see the value of doing all the things in one place
within CentOS -- or I wouldn't have worked on the project to get us
here -- I'm also realistic that not everyone will want or be able to
come to the one place to do all the things. At the minimum, it's a
good thing to have an open communication channel with rebuilders who
want to do their work outside of the CentOS environment; it might make
sense to have that channel more formalized as a group.

There is another lesson I'm trying to learn from, an example of which
is the Fedora build toolchain (Koji, Bodhi, etc.) I've talked with
people who share a concern that the build tools are missing the chance
to be better because they are not massively adopted. There are people
using Koji, for example, but AIUI it's not a huge contributor base.
Simply having more people using Koji is good for all the users of Koji
- - it will help it be more robust and useful through the usual process
of open source development benefiting from a sizeable userbase.

Thus my thinking that an interoperability SIG would fulfill the
communication channel to the inevitably going-their-own-way
rebuilders, would provide a way for groups to choose in the future to
join the overall CentOS effort in some way, and be a group within
CentOS that cares about the tools being useful and used somewhere they
weren't invented.

- - Karsten
- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade        .^\    CentOS Engineering Manager
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org    \  http://community.redhat.com
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