[CentOS-devel] Presto drpms in vault.centos.org

Tue Jan 14 15:42:09 UTC 2014
Jeff Sheltren <jeff at tag1consulting.com>

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:
> I would like to remove the drpms and rebuild metadata for the older
> centos repos to reclaim that space as we have 800GB of data there and if
> we don't cut back on size or get new machines for vault.centos.org to
> distribute, we are going to run out of space soon.

Are you saying that you would like to remove all deltarpms from
vault.centos.org for anything that's not a current release?  If so, I'm in
full agreement, there's no need to have those on vault for old releases.

Are you also talking about removing something from the main mirrors?

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