[CentOS-devel] Koji workflow / git branches

Davide Principi

davide.principi at nethesis.it
Wed Jul 30 07:41:34 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-07-29 at 14:59 +0200, Thomas Oulevey wrote:
> The proposal is to have both solutions supported but :
> - Building from src.rpm will be only trigger by git.c.o and will
> require special permission.
> - SIG users can build their packages but the code need to be in
> git.c.o (traceability).
> What do you think ? Is there a use case where building from src.rpm
> would be required ?

I'm thinking about my server-manager web application, that comes bundled
with the particular versions of some external libraries: the package
needs more than one Source tarballs listed in the spec file.

How they will be issued to the build system?

Does the src.rpm solution fit this case?

Davide Principi

#davidep | @davideprincipi | GPG 0x5651EA71

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