On 07/15/2014 09:49 AM, Thomas Oulevey wrote: > So my proposal is: > > For the build tags : <SIG><MAJOR>-<TAG>[-<COLLECTION>,]-build > And the target : <SIG><MAJOR>-<TAG>[-<COLLECTION>,] > The destination can be <SIG><MAJOR>-testing/<SIG><MAJOR>-release for > all the target. (or keep the Fedora naming dist-*, but it looks more > confusing to me) > I think this works, the only consideration is that we might need to ( we really should ) give the SIG's a -devel a -testing and -production target, so they can build and release into vairous repos. At the very least we would need a -devel where they can do whatever, and a -testing where they can then push builds that need to be made public on the repos, and once some criteria is satisfied, we can push content from -testing to -production ( I dont think we need a rebuild for that, just moving the rpms over should be good enough ) - KB -- Karanbir Singh +44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc