[CentOS-devel] brand hunting utility

Karanbir Singh mail-lists at karan.org
Thu Jun 5 11:42:38 UTC 2014

On 06/05/2014 07:03 AM, Simon Matter wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, June 04, 2014 5:21 PM, Phil Wyett write:
>>> A useful tool indeed. By a quick look at the script it searches all
>>> files within an SRPM. Should this tool now not be tweaked to
>>> ignore/exclude files with historical data that should never be removed
>>> that would certainly flag up in a search i.e. '.spec. files? Feature
>>> request. :-)
>> Actually, it does an 'rpm -i' on the srpm and then searches the SOURCES
>> folder (this is all done in a separate rpmbuild/_topdir folder per SRPM).
>> Because the .spec file is saved in the SPECS folder, the tool doesn't
>> search it.
> But I think there are cases where also the .spec file would need to be
> changed?

traditionally, .spec files sometimes mentioned things like 'BlahBlah
tool for Red Hat Enterprise Linux' , and we need to change those to say
'for CentOS Linux'

typically, found in the %description section, but could be in other places.

Also, stuff like httpd has Vendor setup in the .spec file, we need to
change that to CentOS as well ( but I am struggling to think of a second
example off the top of my head, so might just be a case of do it
manually once, and forget about it ).

- KB

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc

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