[CentOS-devel] CentOS 7 Public QA Release

Fri Jun 13 18:22:07 UTC 2014
Jeff Sheltren <jeff at tag1consulting.com>

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the first CentOS 7
QA Release.

!!! This is a QA release only and not the final CentOS 7 release !!!

In the past, CentOS QA testing has been performed by a small group of
people within the CentOS community. We are happy that we are now able to
open this up to the wider community to get early feedback and bug reports
prior to the 7 release.

CentOS 7 QA release is available for download at:


We are first populating individual RPMs in their respective build
directories. Once we have a working base install tree, it will be made
available at the same URL.

Please note the following:
 - This is NOT the final CentOS 7 release. Packages, ISOs, and install
media *will* change between this release and the final 7 release.
- The packages posted at the above URL will likely be updated in-place
before the final release.
- Things may be broken! Don't install this on your production servers.
Consider it a beta/preview release.
- Help us make the 7 release better by reporting bugs at
- This is not an officially supported release. If you have questions,
aren't sure if you've found a bug, etc., please ask in #centos-devel on
Freenode, or email the centos-devel email list.
- Packages in the QA release are *not* GPG-signed. The final 7 release will
contain GPG-signed packages as usual.
- Upgrading from the QA release to the final 7 release may be possible, but
it's not supported or documented in any way. Expect that you will need to
re-install when 7 final is released.

We appreciate any and all bug reports at http://bugs.centos.org (please
also check upstream bugzilla.redhat.com and link to those bugs when filing
a new CentOS issue), and assistance with the "Branding Hunt" (see

contains a list of known issues at the time of the upstream release.

Currently, we only have RPM packages online, but will be bringing
installable media online as soon as we have it ready.

Again, this is NOT a final release. It may harm nearby puppies, kittens, or
other (cute) animals and/or servers.  This is our first attempt at opening
up CentOS to the wider community, so please bear with us as we work through
any issues that arise with the process. As always, feedback is welcome on
the email list or on IRC (#centos-devel on Freenode).

Thanks, and enjoy the release!
 -Jeff Sheltren on behalf of the CentOS QA Team
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