[CentOS-devel] /etc/redhat-release

Thu Jun 12 10:04:57 UTC 2014
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 10:58:31AM +0100, Dan Porter wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> You should checkout how Virtualmin does system version detection.
> http://software.virtualmin.com/lib/oschooser.pl
> http://software.virtualmin.com/lib/os_list.txt

Which does it the 100% wrong way.

Again, contents of /etc/*-release _can not be trusted_.

One isn't born one's self.  One is born with a mass of expectations, a mass
of other people's ideas -- and you have to work through it all.

-- Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul (1932-), British writer,
   2001 Nobel laureate in Literature, New York Times, 24 April 1994
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