[CentOS-devel] working around stacked updates

Tue Jun 24 16:35:45 UTC 2014
R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com>

On Tue, 24 Jun 2014, Karanbir Singh wrote:

> So unless there are any objections in the near future, I would say we
> have a process that allows us to arbitarily work on older content, in
> side branches without stamping on c7/

I may be not understanding what you are saying

A centos 7.0 gold, set of installable images (which inclide 
kernel in the anaconda) are not yet emitted.  Prior practice 
was to pick a kernel level, and to integrate / stabilize** 
that ** kernel at time of 'drop' into the anaconda, knowing 
full well that a clutch of updates would come cascading in 
immediately after the install at firstboot

This was useful, as it is not all that uncommon to "exclude=' 
the kernel updates from the yum setup.  I have a laptop which 
has not been able to take a kernel update since C6.3, for 
example, as the LCD backlight code is not working in later 

Indeed, I had to search back through several kernel initial 
release and updates during debugging

Will the 'as dropped' kernel and each intermediate kernel 
discussed by upstream in a RHSA, etc be published?  What is 
the plan as to anaconda integration?

-- Russ herrold