[CentOS-devel] [PATCH 3/3] Refactor to use getopt for arg parsing

Thu Jun 26 16:11:56 UTC 2014
Pat Riehecky <riehecky at fnal.gov>

From: Pat Riehecky <riehecky at fnal.gov>

 get_sources.sh |  151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/get_sources.sh b/get_sources.sh
index f1dd30c..33ef1aa 100755
--- a/get_sources.sh
+++ b/get_sources.sh
@@ -1,51 +1,125 @@
-# Script to parse the non-text sources metadata file and download
-# the required files from the lookaside cache
-# Please note: this script is non-destructive, it wont replace
-# files that already exist, regardless of their state, allowing you
-# to have work-in-progress content that wont get overwritten.
 # Might want to drop this in ~/bin/ and chmod u+x it
+#  Initial Author: Karanbir Singh <kbsingh at centos.org>
+#         Updates:
+#                  Mike McLean <mikem at redhat.com>
+#                  Pat Riehecky <riehecky at fnal.gov>
+usage() {
+    echo ''                                               >&2
+    echo "$0 [-hcq] [-b branch] [--surl url]"             >&2
+    echo ''                                               >&2
+    echo 'Script to parse the non-text sources metadata file'   >&2
+    echo ' and download the required files from the lookaside'  >&2
+    echo ' cache.'                                              >&2
+    echo ''                                                     >&2
+    echo 'PLEASE NOTE: this script is non-destructive, it wont' >&2
+    echo ' replace files that already exist, regardless of'     >&2
+    echo ' their state, allowing you to have work-in-progress'  >&2
+    echo ' content that wont get overwritten.'                  >&2
+    echo ''                                                     >&2
+    echo 'You need to run this from inside a sources git repo'  >&2
+    echo ''                                               >&2
+    echo ' -h: This help message'                         >&2
+    echo ''                                               >&2
+    echo "  $0 -b c7"                                     >&2
+    echo "  $0 -q -b c7"                                  >&2
+    echo "  $0 -c -b remotes/origin/c7"                   >&2
+    echo "  $0 -c -b c7 --surl '$SURL'"                   >&2
+    echo "  $0"                                           >&2
+    exit 1
-# for setting any overrides, such as surl or f
+# for setting any overrides, such as SURL, default BRANCH, or force CHECK
 if [ -f /etc/centos-git-common ]; then
   . /etc/centos-git-common
-#parse command line args
-while (($# > 0))
-  case $1 in
-    --branch)
-        #specify branch instead of asking git
-        BRANCH=$2
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    --surl)
-        #override sources url
-        surl=$2
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    --check)
-        #verify the sha1sum of the downloaded file
-        CHECK=1
-        shift
-        ;;
-     -q)
-        # Be less chatty
-        QUIET='--silent'
-        shift
-        ;;
-  esac
+# setup args in the right order for making getopt evaluation
+# nice and easy.  You'll need to read the manpages for more info
+# utilizing 'while' construct rather than 'for arg' to avoid unnecessary
+# shifting of program args
+args=$(getopt -o hcqb: -l surl: -- "$@")
+eval set -- "$args"
+while [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]; do
+    case $1 in
+        -- )
+            # end of getopt args, shift off the -- and get out of the loop
+            shift
+            break
+           ;;
+         -c )
+            # verify the sha1sum of the downloaded file
+            CHECK=1
+            shift
+           ;;
+         -q )
+            # suppress warnings
+            QUIET=1
+            shift
+           ;;
+         -b )
+            # Check this particular branch 
+            BRANCH=$2
+            shift
+            shift
+           ;;
+         --surl )
+            # override sources url
+            SURL=$2
+            shift
+            shift
+           ;;
+         -h )
+            # get help
+            usage
+           ;;
+    esac
+# set curl options this way so defaults can be set in /etc/centos-git-common
+# across multiple scripts
+if [[ ${QUIET} -eq 1 ]]; then
+    QUIET='--silent'
+    QUIET=''
+which git >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+    echo 'You need git in PATH' >&2
+    exit 1
+which curl >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+    echo 'You need curl in PATH' >&2
+    exit 1
+if [[ ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]]; then
+    which sha1sum >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+        echo 'You need sha1sum in PATH' >&2
+        exit 1
+    fi
 # check metadata file and extract package name
 shopt -s nullglob
 set -- .*.metadata
@@ -100,7 +174,8 @@ while read -r fsha fname ; do
     if [ ! -e "${fname}" ]; then
       for br in "${branches[@]}"
-        curl ${QUIET} -f "${surl}/${pn}/${br}/${fsha}" -o "${fname}" && break
+        br=$(echo ${br}| sed -e s'|remotes/origin/||')
+        curl ${QUIET} -f "${SURL}/${pn}/${br}/${fsha}" -o "${fname}" && break
       echo "${fname} exists. skipping"