[CentOS-devel] RHEL 7 beta 2?

Tue Mar 4 23:55:01 UTC 2014
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 03/04/2014 11:13 PM, Masoud Sharbiani wrote:
> Pardon if the question is extremely obvious, but where is the builder
> script itself located? I can see the mock config files in the repos.

Thats pretty much it at the moment, we've got a bunch of workers that
call mock builds with the relevant / requested configs. I'm in the
process of stripping reimzul ( the worker scripts ) back to as bare
bones as possible, so we can then expand scope.

Stuff that we do need people to look at and help is (1) the banding hunt
in el7 srpms and (2) the artwork packages ( but it looks like Alain is
doing something there already, i am sure he wont mind another pair of
hands ).

As you might note: we have most of the x86_64 distro done and packed up,
but its not been debranded and the yum / rhn components are not disabled
from hitting rhn. resources, so again patches welcome for those bits.

If anyone fancies a abrt patch to make it work for bugs.centos.org -
please do.

Andreas is working on the i686 builds at the moment, Tim has offered to
help as well. We need to get those done before we can compelete the
x86_64 loop, since were going to need those packages for the multilib
components. And we are going to try and deliver a i686 distro ( even if
RHEL-7 does not have one ), as a best-effort build.

We are not really looking to deliver a centos-7/beta, but we will make
builds available at some point for people to test the centos specific
bits against. At the moment, the main focus is on getting ready to get
centos-7 out of the door asap once upstream el7 is released.

Happy to answer specific questions,

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc