[CentOS-devel] how minimal is a minimal too minimal

Wed Mar 19 17:39:52 UTC 2014
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 03/19/2014 07:27 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Jeff Sheltren <jeff at tag1consulting.com> wrote:
>> Related questions we struggle with in Fedora: what about i18n and docs? If
>> no docs, docs at all, not even man pages?
>> "No docs at all" makes a lot of sense to me if we're going for truly
>> minimal.  The main issue I see with that is making end-users aware that they
>> better know what they're doing if they're installing this version.
> Normally when you install a minimal version you already have a plan
> for what you will do next.  In my case I want the least possible user
> intervention (or network infrastructure support) to get a system to
> the point where I can ssh in and complete the setup because people in
> remote locations that are more familiar with other OS's may have to do
> it.  I'd prefer for sshd and yum to work and to have openssh-clients
> and rsync installed, but it wouldn't be a showstopper if it took an
> extra scripted step to get yum going.
hence my suggestion from the previous mail...

>     I'd gladly trade that for an
> easier way to do the initial network setup when you have multiple NICs
> and no DHCP (like showing you the one(s) with link up).
well put desire. however ( PLEASE prove me wrong if I am mistaken ) 
anaconda only knows something along

	network --bootproto=static --ip=a.b.c.n --netmask= --gateway=a.b.c.1 --nameserver=a.b.c.2 --device=$DEVICENAME

  So ( wild guess here... ) you'd need a bit of intelligence in the 
%pre/%post sections of a kickstart to detect which interface is up and 
feed that info to anaconda