[CentOS-devel] Providing newer versions of packages from base CentOS/RHEL

Wed May 7 20:52:44 UTC 2014
Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>

On 07/05/14 22:27, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
> Here's the back story:
> Base RHEL 6 has Qpid 0.14, which is a very old release. Our team wants
> to make a more recent version, 0.26, available for projects such as Open
> Stack. They are adopting CentOS as a platform and would like to use
> 0.26, which includes AMQP 1.0 support.
> We can't package 0.26 for EPEL6 due to 0.14 being in the base.
> So it was suggested to me in IRC to come here and ask for guidance. We
> would like to make our newer packages available for CentOS 6. What's the
> right path to follow?

SCL (softwarecollections.org) and/or COPR comes to mind ?

Fabian Arrotin
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab