[CentOS-devel] The CentOS Release Number Typography

Wed May 28 15:34:44 UTC 2014
Karsten Wade <kwade at redhat.com>

Hash: SHA1

On 05/28/2014 07:34 AM, Alain Reguera Delgado wrote:
> So we, as community, need to coordinate what typography we are
> going to use in further releases of CentOS so as to strictly
> preserve the visual consistency of the final images the community
> can produce. And, to grant this, it is absolutely necessary to make
> public the typography we use in all cases.


Having freedom built in to all artwork, documentation, code, and so
forth is a key to being a healthy open source project. Sometimes it
takes a while for people to understand that e.g. a photo used and
manipulated for project artwork has to come with a good-enough license
(e.g. CC SA) so that other designers can work with it; same for
programs and file formats used to create artwork, we want other people
to be able to open Inkscape or GIMP and share in the work and benefits.

- - Karsten
- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade        .^\          CentOS Doer of Stuff
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org    \  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'             gpg: AD0E0C41
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